Neopronouns (

Personal pronouns that are not officially (i.e., in dictionaries, style guides, etc.) recognized by the language that they are used in. Often intended to be gender neutral.
Pronombres personales que no están reconocidos oficialmente (es decir, en diccionarios, guías de estilo, etc.) por el idioma en el que se usan. A menudo pretenden ser neutrales en cuanto al género.
Traducción y revisión al español realizadas por Ernesto Cuba, Sofia Zamora, Sandy Alcantara, Mar Munné, Ana Portnoy Brimmer y el Comité Español de Homosaurus en 2024
2021-07-01 14:36:09 UTC
2025-02-23 07:11:19 UTC
Ae/Aer/Aerself (Pronouns) [homoit0001673]
Co/Co/Coself (Pronouns) [homoit0001674]
Cy/Cyb/Cyberself (Pronouns) [homoit0001675]
E/Em/Emself (Pronouns) [homoit0001676]
Ey/Em/Eirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001677]
Fae/Faer/Faerself (Pronouns) [homoit0001679]
Fe/Fem/Femself (Pronouns) [homoit0001678]
Fey/Fem/Femself (Pronouns) [homoit0001680]
Hu/Hum/Humself (Pronouns) [homoit0001682]
It/It/Itself (Pronouns) [homoit0001683]
Jee/Jem/Jemself (Pronouns) [homoit0001684]
Kit/Kit/Kitself (Pronouns) [homoit0001685]
Ne/Nem/Nis (Pronouns) [homoit0001687]
Ne/Nir/Nemself (Pronouns) [homoit0001686]
Peh/Pehm/Pehself (Pronouns) [homoit0001688]
Per/Per/Perself (Pronouns) [homoit0001689]
Se/Ser/Serself (Pronouns) [homoit0001691]
Shi/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001693]
Si/Hyr/Hyrself (Pronouns) [homoit0001694]
Sie/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001690]
Thon/Thon/Thonself (Pronouns) [homoit0001697]
Ve/Vem/Verself (Pronouns) [homoit0001699]
Ve/Ver/Verself (Pronouns) [homoit0001698]
Vi/Ver/Virself (Pronouns) [homoit0001701]
Vi/Vim/Virself (Pronouns) [homoit0001702]
Voi/Void/Voidself (Pronouns) [homoit0001700]
Xe/Xyr/Xemself (Pronouns) [homoit0001704]
Xey/Xem/Xeir (Pronouns) [homoit0001706]
Xey/Xem/Xyr (Pronouns) [homoit0001705]
Xie/Xer/Xerself (Pronouns) [homoit0001703]
Yo/Yo/Yosself (Pronouns) [homoit0001707]
Ze/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001709]
Ze/Mer/Zemself (Pronouns) [homoit0001711]
Ze/Zem/Zirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001710]
Ze/Zir/Zirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001708]
Zee/Zed/Zedself (Pronouns) [homoit0001712]
Zie/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001715]
Zie/Zem/Zirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001714]
Zie/Zir/Zirself (Pronouns) [homoit0001713]
Zme/Zmyr/Zmyrself (Pronouns) [homoit0001716]

Affichage de la hiérarchie

No Broader Term
Ae/Aer/Aerself (Pronouns)
Co/Co/Coself (Pronouns)
Cy/Cyb/Cyberself (Pronouns)
E/Em/Emself (Pronouns)
Ey/Em/Eirself (Pronouns)
Fe/Fem/Femself (Pronouns)
Fae/Faer/Faerself (Pronouns)
Fey/Fem/Femself (Pronouns)
Hu/Hum/Humself (Pronouns)
It/It/Itself (Pronouns)
Jee/Jem/Jemself (Pronouns)
Kit/Kit/Kitself (Pronouns)
Ne/Nir/Nemself (Pronouns)
Ne/Nem/Nis (Pronouns)
Peh/Pehm/Pehself (Pronouns)
Per/Per/Perself (Pronouns)
Sie/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns)
Se/Ser/Serself (Pronouns)
Shi/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns)
Si/Hyr/Hyrself (Pronouns)
Thon/Thon/Thonself (Pronouns)
Ve/Ver/Verself (Pronouns)
Ve/Vem/Verself (Pronouns)
Voi/Void/Voidself (Pronouns)
Vi/Ver/Virself (Pronouns)
Vi/Vim/Virself (Pronouns)
Xie/Xer/Xerself (Pronouns)
Xe/Xyr/Xemself (Pronouns)
Xey/Xem/Xyr (Pronouns)
Xey/Xem/Xeir (Pronouns)
Yo/Yo/Yosself (Pronouns)
Ze/Zir/Zirself (Pronouns)
Ze/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns)
Ze/Zem/Zirself (Pronouns)
Ze/Mer/Zemself (Pronouns)
Zee/Zed/Zedself (Pronouns)
Zie/Zir/Zirself (Pronouns)
Zie/Zem/Zirself (Pronouns)
Zie/Hir/Hirself (Pronouns)
Zme/Zmyr/Zmyrself (Pronouns)

Autres formats (y compris les identifiants de langue): N-Triples, JSON-LD, Extended JSON, TTL, XML, MARC XML

Formats hérités (sans identifiants de langue) N-Triples, JSON-LD, TTL